June 29 - September 23, 2013 / East Boston Shipyard and Marina
From June 29 - September 21, 2014, HarborArts Inc. of East Boston presents a summer-long exhibition of temporary outdoor sculpture and installation on the waterfront of the Boston Harbor Shipyard and Marina in East Boston. Curated by sculpture, videographer, and critic, Elizabeth Michelman, OccupyING the Present expands the sculpture park's collection of twenty-five semi-permenant works with sixteen new site-responsive pieces by Boston-area artists.
Participating artists: Myrna Balk, Gail Jerauld Bos, Catherine Evans, Susan Israel, Karen Klein, Bette Ann Libby, Peter Lipsitt, Lyn MacDonald, Liz Nofziger, John Powell, Maria Ritz, Kerri Schmidt, Nora Valdez, Barbara Vogelsang, and Wendy Wolf
For more information visit: www.occupyingthepresent.org