Silvina Mizrahi
in collaboration with the students from O.S.D.C (Occupational Skills Development Center) from the Community Academy of Science and Health and LFI (Learning for Independence) classes from Boston Green Academy.
“Under the Same Sun”
Mosaic tiles and cement
“Under the same sun” celebrate Native cultures across the globe. Among the indigenous people, nature is particularly sacred. From the native Diaguitas in the North of Argentina to the Wampanoag in North America, universal patterns are used to symbolize natural elements. It is as if an invincible thread connects all of us through our collective unconscious in time and space, each culture and race with its unique characteristics, yet at the same time a unified whole, the sum of all parts in humankind.
Silvina Mizrahi is an Argentinian American interdisciplinary artist and art educator based in Boston. Her works encompasses figurative bronze sculptures, abstract expressionist mixed media paintings, recycled materials sculptures and public art. She exhibits her works in Galleries and Museums Nationally and Internationally. I @silvinamizrahi